Monday, July 7, 2014


Sorry for so few updates these last few weeks (the whole month of June, really). I've been insanely busy with work, friends (and my bday. lol), and especially this last weekend with the 4th of July (a super huge holiday, here in the usa).

I know I've got quite a few new songs to make, and things should start to quiet down again. So hopefully July will be a very productive month!

Thank you to everyone who keeps checking back, too! I know what it's' like to check back, and not see anything new! So please, keep checking back and again thank you for all of your support and comments, everyone! ^_^

2NE1 - Gotta Be You

2NE1 - Gotta Be You
Title: Gotta Be You
Single: 3/5/9
BPM: 130
Length: 2:22