Friday, October 25, 2013

T-ara - I Go Crazy Because of You

T-ara - I Go Crazy Because of You
Title: I Go Crazy Because of You
BPM: 135
Single: 3/5/8
Length: 2:10


  1. hai popcorn, you make cool stepmania song, and I really enjoyed your songs, so thank you very much! :)
    By the way, I have a little problem with your songs.
    somehow the video that you add in your song can not be played when I played it, and always lead to application errors (I use stepmania 3.9).
    but that problem can be overcome by removing the video in your music folder.
    so, can I ask for the next songs, you provide an alternative link to your stepmania song, but without the video?
    I would greatly appreciate it if you read my comment, and once again, thank you very much! :)

  2. Great song, could you please do EXO-Let Out The Beast

  3. The links have been updated! :)
