Sunday, August 12, 2012


BPM: 132
Single: 3/5/8/9
Length: 2:21

I heard this song yesterday, and just had to make a simfile for it (before i changed my mind. haha).
It's a catchy song with a hilarious video.


  1. I've been looking for korean DDR music for a very long time with poor results. Now I have been lucky enough to stumble upon your page. Your simfiles are great. The songs you use are my favourites. You can't imagine how happy I am at the moment ;_; I have already decided not to eat tomorrow, so I can play all day long.

  2. Haha. Thank you very much! It's always nice to know that people appreciate what I do. XD
    And as always, i'm always making more, so keep checking back! :D

  3. haha thank you for your simfile even though there are many available sites out there that you can download (kpop) I always visit your website/blog 1st . Your choice of song is the best. The videos and the steps are accurate and I have a lot of fun playing step mania. Haha I’m a beginner and now I can play songs that you made AA in hard mode for just 3weeks of playing(I’m using ps2 joystick) kind’a hard to play in keyboard(it’s like I’m playing key broad smash hehe).

    Thank you very much for the simfile’s and more power to you. Please continue sharing simfiles =).. P.S. can you make a simfile for the song DREAM HIGH O.S.T. from Dream high. The one that they used in the flash mob. Tnx ..

  4. Thank u so much for these simfiles!!

    After 2 years searching Kpop Simfiles, finally I am able to make a mod of In The Groove for the PS2...

    Recently I had make this game, but the Iso Zone had problems and deleted my file... =/ I will upload it and prepare this music for the ITG KPOP Party 2!

    Please, keep your good work and don't forget to put your name/nickname in the Simfile, to appear in the game!

  5. I'm glad you like my files! And thank you for adding them in ITG pack. I didn't know there even was such a thing! haha :D

    Also, that's good idea, about adding my name into the simfile. I hadn't really thought of that..How do I add it in so that it appears in-game? (seems likd a rookie question, I know, but it's something that I haven't done before. lol)

  6. It's very simple. Open the SM file in Notepad or some random text editor and edit the line CREDIT:;

    Example: CREDIT:Popcorn;

    After this, only save the file. In ITG, it will appear in the loading screen, and some skins in Stepmania show them as well.

  7. Download ITG KPOP Party here:

    To play it properly, you must have a PS2 capable of running backups: modchip, Swap Magic or softmod via Free MC Boot + ESR or Open PS2 Loader.

    It is fully compatible with OPL, even on USB, which is a slow device in comparison to HDD or DVD, that have high transfer rates.


    I have a suggestion too: PPAPPA PIERROT - Elizabeth

    I love this song, but anyone has made a stepchart for it.

    The banner based on the cover provided from Jpopsuki:

  8. I'll have to try out the ITG pack in emulation, since I don't have a modded ps2 at all (yet).
    I also took a look at PPAPPA PIERROT - Elizabeth and I like it. It'll definitely go on my "to do" list. :)

    And i'll definitely check out the 2nd Kpop pack, when it comes out. I'd love to see which of my songs are on there! :D

  9. Hi there, thanks for your great work.
    I just found your website today, finally found someone who did steps for latest k-pop songs.
    Was just wondering are your steps for keyboard or dance pad use?
    The levels seem to hard for me, even the easiest level. Lol I am a noob.

  10. Hi, thank you for the compliments! :D

    And to answer your questions, I try to make them for both. The easy, medium, and hard steps being for play using a dancepad, then the challenge steps typically being for play on a keyboard.

  11. I'd like to thank you for your awesome simfiles. I found your blog a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for Gangnam style simfiles, and now I'm addicted to all the songs.

    I've been playing Stepmania for several years and your simfiles are ones of the best I've ever found. I play with dance pad and, even though some of your simfiles are quite hard in heavy level, I managed to play them all without dying, because they are really accurate. Following the rhythm is enough, which is really awesome and allows me to enjoy the songs.

    May I suggest more kpop songs? There are some really catchy songs I'd love to play. For example, GD&TOP's Knockout or BAP's Warrior. Anyway, I'm very happy with your choice of songs, they are all really good :) Thank you so much for your hard work and hope to play more of your simfiles in the future.

  12. ugh..well looks like the reply window just decided to make my whole reply that i was typing disappear -_-;

    Well, what I was saying was (in short) thank you!, and good to hear that you (and other people, since i've had others comment saying the same) are playing using a dance pad.

    I don't really know any of the boy-bands (I actually only very recently started making simfiles for them), but i've slowly been trying to expand into doing simfiles for them. So i'll definitely take a look at your suggestions :)

  13. May i ask, are all your songs made for keyboard or joysticks? Is it that hard to be played on a dance pad?

  14. I try and make them playable on both pads and keyboards/joysticks.
