Girls Generation-TTS - Twinkle
Title: Twinkle
BPM: 110
Single: 3/5/8/9
Length: 2:32
Hey look, a second release within one week! Look at me be all productive! haha :D
So here's another great song by Girls Generation, it's Twinkle. Well, not exactly Girls Generation, but Girls Generation-TTS. It's the groups first, and so far only, sub-group composed of Tiffany, Taeyeon, and Seohyun. Check it out and have fun! :)
I seriously love you !! lmao
ReplyDeletecan you make EXO-MAMA/history, SNSD Dancing Queen, I Got A Boy and The Last SHINee Lucifer (or another B.A.P song)
sorry for asking to much >.< since this site is the best !! Thanks before
Dancing Queen and I Got A Boy are already on my to-do list, actually. haha :)
ReplyDeleteGood suggestion with the SHINee song. I haven't heard it before, and as i'm sitting here, listening to it, I can already imagine how the steps are going to be laid out, which is a good thing. ;) Same goes for the EXO song, History. I liked it a bit more than Mama, for making a simfile. It just has a stronger bass-line and a more dance-able rhythm that I like when making these. :)
Thank you for the comment and feedback and keep checking back! :)