Perfume - Electro World
Title: Electro World
BPM: 143
Single: 3/5/8/10
Length: 3:49
This is definitely one of my favorite songs. I tried to cut it down a bit to fit better for stepmania, but since I used the album version, and used the intro for it, it's still almost 4 minutes long. So if you're planning on playing it with a ddr mat/pad, having endurance is definitely recommended. All 4 difficulty levels (easy, standard, hard, challenge) are here, but the challenge steps is where the real fun is if, like me, you play on a keyboard.
This will be the first in a series of perfume songs that I'll be making (re-creating, really, since most of these that I'll be making, I used to have already made, but lost them in a hard drive crash...along with about 70 other simfiles I had) for my next few releases.